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Linear IgA and IgG bullous dermatosis.

junho 9, 2017

Autores: Fernandes KA1, Galvis KH1, Gomes AC1, Nogueira OM1, Felix PA1,2, Vargas TJ3.

Abstract: Childhood linear immunoglobulin A dermatosis is a rare autoimmune vesiculobullous disease. It results in linear deposition of autoantibodies (immunoglobulin A) against antigens in the basal membrane zone, leading to subepidermal cleavage. Additional depositions of immunoglobulin G and complement-3 might occur. It is still debated whether concomitant findings of immunoglobulins A and G should be considered a subtype of this dermatosis or a new entity. Further studies are needed to recognize this clinical variant.

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